Monday, December 19, 2016

Agenda: Monday, 12/19/16

Announcements & Reminders:

  • The spreadsheet test makeup is moved to Wednesday. If you would prefer to take it Tuesday (for example, if you're not going to be here on Wednesday), let me know and I'll arrange that. If you would like to retake the Spreadsheet Test, you must have no missing assignments for my class.
  • If you turned in an assignment on time and would like to redo it for a better grade, as always you certainly may do so. Please show me your work in class, before school, or after school and I can update your grade on the spot.  :-)

Today's Work

UPDATE: This app is not working for us. Don't worry about doing the assignment.

1st/2nd hour:

Work on Moovly (example). Due tomorrow.
  • Create an animation that contains at least two actors (or sprites) and a background.
  • The actors must move.
  • The actors must somehow react to each other or to other objects in the animation.

Reminder: you will need to create an account:
  1. Go to
  2. Click "sign up/login"
  3. Click "Google Login" and sign in with your account.
  4. Click "Create New Moov"
  5. Name it,
  6. Click "Create from scratch"

5th/6th Hour:

Due to our technical difficulties from Friday, the moovly assignment isn't due until tomorrow. Today you have time to work on your Moovly (example). Due tomorrow.
  • Create an animation that contains at least two actors (or sprites) and a background.
  • The actors must move.
  • The actors must somehow react to each other or to other objects in the animation.

Reminder: you will need to create an account:
  1. Go to
  2. Click "sign up/login"
  3. Click "Google Login" and sign in with your account.
  4. Click "Create New Moov"
  5. Name it,
  6. Click "Create from scratch"

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Agenda: Thursday, 12/15/16


  • The Scratch Tutorial was due on Tuesday.
  • If you would like to retake the Spreadsheet Test, you may do so next Tuesday, December 20th. However, in order to retake the test, you must have no missing assignments for my class.
  • If you are missing a spreadsheet assignment, you have until Friday to turn it in to me. You will not receive full credit and there are no redos for assignments turned in past the due date. In order to get credit for it you must do the following:
  • If you turned in an assignment on time and would like to redo it for a better grade, as always you certainly may do so. Please show me your work in class, before school, or after school and I can update your grade on the spot.  :-)

Today's Work

1st/2nd hour:

Introduction to Moovly (example).

Create an account:
  1. Go to
  2. Click "sign up/login"
  3. Click "Google Login" and sign in with your account.
  4. Click "Create New Moov"
  5. Name it,
  6. Click "Create from scratch"
  • Create an animation that contains at least two actors (or sprites) and a background.
  • The actors must move.
  • The actors must somehow react to each other or to other objects in the animation.

5th/6th Hour:

Earth Science work today

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Agenda: Wednesday, 12/14/16


Scratch Tutorial was due yesterday.

Many have not turned this in.
Turn it in:
    1. take a screenshot and submit it to Google Classroom
    2. Create a (free) Scratch account and publish your animation there (if you don't share it, I won't be able to see it). Take the link and paste it in this form.

Grade Announcements

  • Grades are up to date. Check them and let me know if there is a mistake. Some of you aren't putting names on things.
  • If you would like to retake the Spreadsheet Test, you may do so next Tuesday, December 20th. However, in order to retake the test, you must have no missing assignments for my class.
  • If you are missing a spreadsheet assignment, you have until Friday to turn it in to me. You will not receive full credit and there are no redos for assignments turned in past the due date. In order to get credit for it you must do the following:
  • If you turned in an assignment on time and would like to redo it for a better grade, as always you certainly may do so. Please show me your work in class, before school, or after school and I can update your grade on the spot.  :-)

Today's Work

Introduction to Moovly (example).

Create an account:
  1. Go to
  2. Click "sign up/login"
  3. Click "Google Login" and sign in with your account.
  4. Click "Create New Moov"
  5. Name it,
  6. Click "Create from scratch"
  • Create an animation that contains at least two actors (or sprites) and a background.
  • The actors must move.
  • The actors must somehow react to each other or to other objects in the animation.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Agenda: Tuesday, 12/13/16

Work on Scratch Tutorial. This is due today.

  1. Create a project in Scratch (
    1. Option 1: go to Scratch: Make it Fly tutorial and complete it
    2. Option 2: create a game of your own design
  2. Turn it in:
    1. take a screenshot and submit it to Google Classroom
    2. Create a (free) Scratch account and publish your animation there (if you don't share it, I won't be able to see it). Take the link and paste it in this form.
  3. If you finish with this early, then the challenge for you is to figure out how to make your main sprite react to colliding with other objects (or make other objects react to colliding with your sprite). Please submit your work as described above in #2.
  4. If you finish all of the above, you may work on missing work (see below).

Grade Announcements

  • Grades are up to date. Check them and let me know if there is a mistake. Some of you aren't putting names on things.
  • If you would like to retake the Spreadsheet Test, you may do so next Tuesday, December 20th. However, in order to retake the test, you must have no missing assignments for my class.
  • If you are missing a spreadsheet assignment, you have until Friday to turn it in to me. You will not receive full credit and there are no redos for assignments turned in past the due date. In order to get credit for it you must do the following:
  • If you turned in an assignment on time and would like to redo it for a better grade, as always you certainly may do so. Please show me your work in class, before school, or after school and I can update your grade on the spot.  :-)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

Agenda: Friday, 12/9/16

Test answer form

Work on Scratch Tutorial.
  1. Create a project in Scratch (
    1. Option 1: go to Scratch: Make it Fly tutorial and complete it
    2. Option 2: create a game of your own design
  2. Turn it in:
    1. take a screenshot and submit it to Google Classroom
    2. Create a (free) Scratch account and publish your animation there (if you don't share it, I won't be able to see it). Take the link and paste it in this form.
  3. If you finish with this early, then the challenge for you is to figure out how to make your main sprite react to colliding with other objects (or make other objects react to colliding with your sprite). Please submit your work as described above in #2.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Agenda: Thursday, 12/8/16

Reminder: test tomorrow

  • how to write a range

Debrief Hour of Code

  • What is code?
Animation notes

Assignment: Scratch Tutorial
  • go to Scratch: Make it Fly tutorial and complete it
  • To turn it in:
    • take a screenshot and submit it to Google Classroom
    • Create a (free) Scratch account and publish your animation there. Take the link and paste it in this form.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Agenda: Wednesday,12/7/16


Spreadsheet test on Friday

1st Hour

Review these concepts:

  • working with multiple sheets
  • keyboard navigation and selection keys
  • relation to databases
Spreadsheet test review

  • Relative vs. absolute cell references
  • Definition of a function, including ranges
If time permits today: Hour of Code

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Agenda: Tuesday 12/6/16

Earth Science Test Answer Form

Spreadsheet Quiz on Friday

Monday, December 5, 2016

Agenda: Monday, 12/5/16


  1. Turn in Half-Life Analysis if you haven't done so already
  2. Finish and submit shopping spreadsheet (see below). Turn in both the original spreadsheet and the requested JPEG.

Assignment 2: Shopping!

Pretend you have been given $300 to spend with only two conditions: you must purchase at least 5 items and you lose any money you don’t spend (so spend as much as possible without going over!). Working by yourself or with a partner, plan how to spend it by creating a spreadsheet that allows you add up the purchase prices and quantities so that you can use as much of your money as possible. Your spreadsheet must:
  • Have a place to list:
    • each item
    • where it will be purchased
    • the quantity
    • sales tax
    • the total cost per item
    • the amount spent on all items
  • Use formulas and functions to figure out all your data. Use cell references!!!! Do not use the actual numbers as part of your formulas.

Hint #1: set up your table(s) and formulas first and then go shopping; it will be easier to stay within your price range.

Hint #2: use colors, borders, and formatting to make it easier to see how your table is organized.

To turn it in:

  1. Go to View>All Formulas
  2. Take a screenshot (Part of a page: Crtl + Shift + Switch window
  3. Import into a Google Slide
  4. In Google, use shapes and lines to identify a formula, a function, and a range on the screenshot of your spreadsheet.
  5. Name the slide with your name(s)
  6. Download as a JPEG.
  7.  Submit the JPEG and your original spreadsheet to Google Classroom.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Agenda: Friday, 12/2/16

Finish Half-Life Analysis


Use a spreadsheet to analyze half-lives to answer the following questions:
  1. The Fermi nuclear power plant melts down. What generation of your descendants will be able to move back to Detroit? Prove it with data from a spreadsheet?
  2. You're building a sand castle on the shores of Lake Michigan. Digging in the sand, you find the charred wood left from a campfire. Analysis shows that the charring is 93.75% Carbon 12. Approximately how long ago was the campfire made? Who made it?


    1. Create a spreadsheet to calculate half-lives. WE WILL HELP!
      1. What categories of data do you have?
      2. What question(s) do you need to be able to answer?
      3. What math will you need to perform?
        1. relative cell references
        2. absolute cell references
    2. Create a slideshow to present your results. Embed your data from your spreadsheet.
      1. Include the following slides:
        1. Title slide (include the names of the people who worked on this)
        2. The question
        3. Your data
        4. Your analysis
        5. Your conclusion (the answer to the question)
      2. Each question should be answered in its own slideshow

  • Example sheet
  • Example slideshow

  • Assignment 2: Shopping!

    Pretend you have been given $300 to spend with only two conditions: you must purchase at least 5 items and you lose any money you don’t spend (so spend as much as possible without going over!). Working by yourself or with a partner, plan how to spend it by creating a spreadsheet that allows you add up the purchase prices and quantities so that you can use as much of your money as possible. Your spreadsheet must:
    • Have a place to list:
      • each item
      • where it will be purchased
      • the quantity
      • sales tax
      • the total cost per item
      • the amount spent on all items
    • Use formulas and functions to figure out all your data. Use cell references!!!! Do not use the actual numbers as part of your formulas.

    Hint #1: set up your table(s) and formulas first and then go shopping; it will be easier to stay within your price range.

    Hint #2: use colors, borders, and formatting to make it easier to see how your table is organized.

    To turn it in:

    1. Go to View>All Formulas
    2. Take a screenshot (Part of a page: Crtl + Shift + Switch window
    3. Import into a Google Slide
    4. In Google, use shapes and lines to identify a formula, a function, and a range on the screenshot of your spreadsheet.
    5. Name the slide with your name(s)
    6. Download as a JPEG.
    7.  Submit the JPEG and your original spreadsheet to Google Classroom.

    Thursday, December 1, 2016

    Agenda: Thursday, 12/1/16


    Finish Half-Life Analysis


    Use a spreadsheet to analyze half-lives to answer the following questions:
    1. The Fermi nuclear power plant melts down. What generation of your descendants will be able to move back to Detroit? Prove it with data from a spreadsheet?
    2. You're building a sand castle on the shores of Lake Michigan. Digging in the sand, you find the charred wood left from a campfire. Analysis shows that the charring is 93.75% Carbon 12. Approximately how long ago was the campfire made? Who made it?


      1. Create a spreadsheet to calculate half-lives. WE WILL HELP!
        1. What categories of data do you have?
        2. What question(s) do you need to be able to answer?
        3. What math will you need to perform?
          1. relative cell references
          2. absolute cell references
      2. Create a slideshow to present your results. Embed your data from your spreadsheet.
        1. Include the following slides:
          1. Title slide (include the names of the people who worked on this)
          2. The question
          3. Your data
          4. Your analysis
          5. Your conclusion (the answer to the question)
        2. Each question should be answered in its own slideshow

    • Example sheet
    • Example slideshow

    • Assignment 2: Shopping!

      Pretend you have been given $300 to spend with only two conditions: you must purchase at least 5 items and you lose any money you don’t spend (so spend as much as possible without going over!). Working by yourself or with a partner, plan how to spend it by creating a spreadsheet that allows you add up the purchase prices and quantities so that you can use as much of your money as possible. Your spreadsheet must:
      • Have a place to list:
        • each item
        • where it will be purchased
        • the quantity
        • sales tax
        • the total cost per item
        • the amount spent on all items
      • Use formulas and functions to figure out all your data. Use cell references!!!! Do not use the actual numbers as part of your formulas.

      Hint #1: set up your table(s) and formulas first and then go shopping; it will be easier to stay within your price range.

      Hint #2: use colors, borders, and formatting to make it easier to see how your table is organized.

      To turn it in:

      1. Go to View>All Formulas
      2. Take a screenshot (Part of a page: Crtl + Shift + Switch window
      3. Import into a Google Slide
      4. In Google, use shapes and lines to identify a formula, a function, and a range on the screenshot of your spreadsheet.
      5. Name the slide with your name(s)
      6. Download as a JPEG.
      7.  Submit the JPEG and your original spreadsheet to Google Classroom.

      Tuesday, November 29, 2016

      Agenda: Tuesday 11/29/16

      Half-Life Analysis


      Use a spreadsheet to analyze half-lives to answer the following questions:
        1. The Fermi nuclear power plant melts down. What generation of your descendants will be able to move back to Detroit? Prove it with data from a spreadsheet?
        2. You're building a sand castle on the shores of Lake Michigan. Digging in the sand, you find the charred wood left from a campfire. Analysis shows that the charring is 93.75% Carbon 12. Approximately how long ago was the campfire made? Who made it?


      1. Create a spreadsheet to calculate half-lives. WE WILL HELP!
        1. What categories of data do you have?
        2. What question(s) do you need to be able to answer?
        3. What math will you need to perform?
          1. relative cell references
          2. absolute cell references
      2. Create a slideshow to present your results. Embed your data from your spreadsheet.
        1. Include the following slides:
          1. Title slide (include the names of the people who worked on this)
          2. The question
          3. Your data
          4. Your analysis
          5. Your conclusion (the answer to the question)
        2. Each question should be answered in its own slideshow

    • Example sheet
    • Example slideshow

    • (5th and 6th hour) Turn in a spreadsheet that acts as a checkbook
      1. Include columns for 
        1. the item (paycheck, eating out, etc)
        2. income
        3. expenses
        4. total in account; don't forget to include the starting amount
      2. The "total" column should update automagically whenever you add income or subtract an expense. Create a formula that will do either so you can copy it down the "totals" column.
      3. Submit via Google Classroom

      Monday, November 28, 2016

      Agenda: Monday, 11/28/16

      Review Spreadsheet Concepts

      • formula
      • cell reference
      • autofill handle

        Redo Spreadsheet practice (create a sheet that calculates your grades)

          1. Create a spreadsheet that helps you calculate your grades. You will need:
            1. A column for the assignment name
            2. A column for the assignment type (quiz, homework, project, etc.)
            3. A column for the number of points possible
            4. A column for the number of points you actually earned
            5. A column that uses a formula to actually calculate your grade on the assignment (format it as a percentage)
            6. A cell that averages your grades into one overall percentage.
          2. Fill in the data for 8 assignments and find out the grades. You may use real or made-up data; do not give yourself a 100% on everything!
        (5th and 6th hour) Create a spreadsheet that acts as a checkbook
          1. Include columns for 
            1. the item (paycheck, eating out, etc)
            2. income
            3. expenses
            4. total in account; don't forget to include the starting amount
          2. The "total" column should update automagically whenever you add income or subtract an expense. Create a formula that will do either so you can copy it down the "totals" column.
          3. Submit via Google Classroom

        Tuesday, November 22, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 11/22/16

        Finish the assignment from Friday and submit it to Google Classroom.

        Here are the instructions again:

        Spreadsheet practice: create a sheet that calculates your grades

        1. Review these websites for info on working with spreadsheets:
          1. Spreadsheet basics
          2. Using formulas (this one is really important)
          3. Cell borders and colors (The link takes you to the last page of the tutorial; don't worry about the previous pages)
        2. Use this information and your notes to complete this assignment:
          1. 1st and 2nd hour: see Google Classroom (½) for the assignment.
          2. 5th and 6th hour:  see Google Classroom (5/6) for the assignment.
          3. Instructions:
            1. Create a spreadsheet that helps you calculate your grades. You will need:
              1. A column for the assignment name
              2. A column for the assignment type (quiz, homework, project, etc.)
              3. A column for the number of points possible
              4. A column for the number of points you actually earned
              5. A column that uses a formula to actually calculate your grade on the assignment (format it as a percentage)
              6. A cell that averages your grades into one overall percentage.
            2. Fill in the data for 8 assignments and find out the grades. You may use real or made-up data; do not give yourself a 100% on everything!
            3. There are several variations listed for the assignment in Google Classroom; these are optional for anyone who would like a challenge, but they are not required.

        Friday, November 18, 2016

        Agenda: Friday, 11/18/16

        Spreadsheet practice: create a sheet that calculates your grades

        1. Review these websites for info on working with spreadsheets:
          1. Spreadsheet basics
          2. Using formulas (this one is really important)
          3. Cell borders and colors (The link takes you to the last page of the tutorial; don't worry about the previous pages)
        2. Use this information and your notes to complete this assignment:
          1. 1st and 2nd hour: see Google Classroom (½) for the assignment.
          2. 5th and 6th hour:  see Google Classroom (5/6) for the assignment.
          3. Instructions:
            1. Create a spreadsheet that helps you calculate your grades. You will need:
              1. A column for the assignment name
              2. A column for the assignment type (quiz, homework, project, etc.)
              3. A column for the number of points possible
              4. A column for the number of points you actually earned
              5. A column that uses a formula to actually calculate your grade on the assignment (format it as a percentage)
              6. A cell that averages your grades into one overall percentage.
            2. Fill in the data for 8 assignments and find out the grades. You may use real or made-up data; do not give yourself a 100% on everything!
            3. There are several variations listed for the assignment; these are optional for anyone who would like a challenge.

        Thursday, November 17, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday, 11/17/16

        1st and 2nd hour

        ES: notes on the interior of the earth

        Continue intro to spreadsheets

        Spreadsheet practice: create a sheet that calculates your grades; see Google Classroom (½) for the assignment.

        5th and 6th hour

        Spreadsheet practice: create a sheet that calculates your grades; see Google Classroom (5/6) for the assignment.

        Wednesday, November 16, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday 11/15/16

        Spreadsheets pre-test (answer form here).

        Notes: intro to spreadsheets (this information can be found at

        Tuesday, November 15, 2016

        Friday, November 11, 2016

        Agenda: Friday 11/11/16

        I'm not here today! Are you?

        1st and 2nd hour: 

        Science review and test

        5th and 6th hour:

        1. Look at the rubrics from yesterday’s projects (one per group).
        2. Circle or highlight the areas where you lost points.
        3. Then use the time to correct the problems with your project.
          1. Write up the information you left out of your presentation in detail, using a Google Doc or a slideshow. For example, many students lost points for failing to provide examples; this would be a good time to do so. 
          2. If you lost points for a spoken part of the presentation (for example, a hook in your introduction), write out a script for what you would say if you were going to present again.
          3. Everything must be in your own words. Anything copied from a website will not be accepted.
          4. Project corrections are to be done individually.
          5. I will collect corrections on Monday.

        Monday, November 7, 2016

        Agenda: Monday, 11/7/16 through Thursday 11/10/16

        Monday: Project work time
        Tuesday: no school
        Wednesday: Presentations
        Thursday: Presentations and science test review.

        Friday, November 4, 2016

        Agenda: Friday, 11/4/16

        Review internet notes; discuss WiFi

        Develop an idea for your project. Rubric can be found here.

        For those who need them, directions for Quarter 1 assignments can be found here.

        Wednesday, November 2, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday 11/2/16

        Test scores are in MiStar. If you would like to retake it, you may do so this Thursday. In order to retake the test, you must draw by hand on paper a diagram of how a computer works. You must include:
        • The major components of a computer
        • What each component is
        • What each component does
        • How information moves through the computer, starting with input and ending with output.
        Please check your grades. The quarter ends on Friday.

        Use SketchUp to design some sort of dwelling, real or imaginary. When you are done, you will save it with your full name (last name, then first name), download it, and share it with me via the assignment in Google Classroom.

        How is data stored?
        How is data transmitted?
        • Notes on the internet
        • Terms:
          • IP Address
          • Server
          • Network
          • DNS
          • URL

        Tuesday, November 1, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 11/1/16

        Test scores are in MiStar. If you would like to retake it, you may do so this Thursday. In order to retake the test, you must draw by hand on paper a diagram of how a computer works. You must include:
        • The major components of a computer
        • What each component is
        • What each component does
        • How information moves through the computer, starting with input and ending with output.
        Please check your grades. The quarter ends on Friday.

        Introduction to SketchUp, a program for creating 3d models. A free version of Sketchup can be downloaded for Mac or Windows at For the Chromebooks there is a surprisingly powerful online version at

        Use SketchUp to design some sort of dwelling, real or imaginary. When you are done, you will save it with your full name (last name, then first name), download it, and share it with me via the assignment in Google Classroom.

        Monday, October 31, 2016

        Agenda: Monday, 10/31/16

        Test scores are in MiStar. If you would like to retake it, you may do so this Thursday. In order to retake the test, you must draw by hand on paper a diagram of how a computer works. You must include:
        • The major components of a computer
        • What each component is
        • What each component does
        • How information moves through the computer, starting with input and ending with output.
        Please check your grades. The quarter ends on Friday.

        Introduction to SketchUp, a program for creating 3d models. A free version of Sketchup can be downloaded for Mac or Windows at For the Chromebooks there is a surprisingly powerful online version at

        Today we are going to learn some of the tools in the program by playing around with them to see what they do.

        Then I want you to design some sort of dwelling, real or imaginary. When you are done, you will save it with your full name (last name then first name), download it, and share it with me via the assignment in Google Classroom.

        Thursday, October 27, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday, 10/26/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        Technology Quiz (answer form)

        Article on Friday's Cyber Attack

        5th and 6th Hour

        Technology Quiz (answer form)

        Article on Friday's Cyber Attack

        Wednesday, October 26, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday, 10/26/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        Develop tentative idea for project

        Science: Webquest

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work. (Review)

        5th and 6th Hour

        End of project reflection journal (due tomorrow)

        New groups and contracts

        New project: Entry document

        Knows and Need To Knows

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work.  (Review)

        Tuesday, October 25, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 10/25/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        New groups, new project

        Entry document

        Knows and Need To Knows

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work. (Review)

        5th and 6th Hour

        End of project reflection journal (due tomorrow)

        Movie: Solar Storm

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work.  (Review)

        Monday, October 24, 2016

        Agenda: Monday. 10/24/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        End of project reflection journal (due tomorrow)

        Video: Solar Storm

        New groups, new project

        Entry document

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work.

        5th and 6th Hour

        Finish presentations
        Project Debrief

        Technology test on Thursday: how computers work.

        Thursday, October 20, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday 10/20-Friday 10/21/16


        Project Debrief

        Tuesday, October 18, 2016

        Monday, October 17, 2016

        Agenda: Monday, 10/17/16

        Organize your group and make a plan for completing your project.


        Develop claim, reasons, evidence.

        Review the rubric.

        Thursday, October 13, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday, 10/13/16

        Science Test: Answer Form

        Debrief yesterday's movie

        Continue work on Technology Assignment:

        Using your notes and my notes, do something with the information you learned about how computers work. Here are some options:

          • Create a simile for each part of the computer. Explain how each simile reflects the function of the computer part it represents. Include pictures.
          • Animate the way a computer works. Show how information flows through the computer.
          • Create a comic that follows a byte of information through a computer.
        Your project must include the following:
          • Bits and bytes
          • CPU
          • Primary Memory
          • Secondary Memory
          • RAM
          • Bus
          • Input Device
          • Output Device
          • System Clock
          • Ports
        You should somehow explain what each item does!
        You may work with 1-2 partners.
        Due Friday.

        Wednesday, October 12, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday, 10/12/16

        Science Test Review
        Movie: Cyberbully

        Tuesday, October 11, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 10/11/16

        Using your notes and my notes, do something with the information you learned about how computers work. Here are some options:

        • Create a simile for each part of the computer. Explain how each simile reflects the function of the computer part it represents. Include pictures.
        • Animate the way a computer works. Show how information flows through the computer.
        • Create a comic that follows a byte of information through a computer.
        Your project must include the following:
        • Bits and bytes
        • CPU
        • Primary Memory
        • Secondary Memory
        • RAM
        • Bus
        • Input Device
        • Output Device
        • System Clock
        • Ports
        You should somehow explain what each item does!
        You may work with 1-2 partners.
        Due Friday.

        Monday, October 10, 2016

        Agenda: 10/10/16

        Notes on how computers work.

        Wednesday, October 5, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday 10/5/16

        1st & 2nd Hour

        • Notes from yesterday can be found here: Notes and here: Binary, Bits, and Bytes
        • Small Group:
          • Create a short slideshow that explains why video takes up so much space on a computer.
          • Include images or animations that help with your explanation.
          • Refer to bits, bytes, and their various names (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.) 
          • Remember that video includes both images and sound
          • Use pictures and cite sources
        • Earth Science: finish poster lab and begin Kepler activity.

        4th & 5th Hour

        • Earth Science video and notes (see handout)
        • Notes from yesterday can be found here: Notes and here: Binary, Bits, and Bytes
        • Small Group:
          • Create a short slideshow that explains why video takes up so much space on a computer.
          • Include images or animations that help with your explanation.
          • Refer to bits, bytes, and their various names (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.) 
          • Remember that video includes both images and sound
          • Use pictures and cite sources

        Tuesday, October 4, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 10/04/16

        1st & 2nd Hour

        • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
        • Binary, Bits, and Bytes, oh my!
        • Small Group:
          • Create a short slideshow that explains why video takes up so much space on a computer.
          • Refer to bits, bytes, and their various names (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.) 
          • Use pictures and cite sources

        4th & 5th Hour

        • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
        • Binary, Bits, and Bytes, oh my!
        • Small Group:
          • Create a short slideshow that explains why video takes up so much space on a computer.
          • Refer to bits, bytes, and their various names (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.) 
          • Use pictures and cite sources

        Agenda: Tuesday, 10/04/16

        1st & 2nd Hour

        • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
        • Binary, Bits, and Bytes, oh my!
        • Small Group:
          • Create a short slideshow that explains why video takes up so much space on a computer.
          • Refer to bits, bytes, and their various names (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.) 
          • Use pictures and cite sources

        4th & 5th Hour

        Monday, October 3, 2016

        Agenda: Monday, 10/03/16

        1st & 2nd Hour

        • Technology Slideshows should have been turned in already
        • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
        • Binary, Bits, and Bytes, oh my!

        4th & 5th Hour

        • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
        • If you finish, you may use this document (1 per group), to begin researching your topic. Use the directions in the document to guide your work.

        Friday, September 30, 2016

        Agenda: Friday, 9/30/16

        1st & 2nd Hour

        • Technology Slideshows should have been turned in already
        • Intro to Computers
          • Introductory Activity
          • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?
          • My Notes are here.

        4th & 5th Hour

        • Technology Slideshows should have been turned in already
        Check your grades
        Feedback on recent assignments
        • Google Classroom
          • Include first and last names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          • Must click the  "Hand In" button
          • Add "Absent" or "Late" as a private comment when appropriate
        • "u" does not equal "you"
        • Use your own words!!!!!!!!!!!!        
        • Technology Group Notes. Did you score less than 10? Look at original directions. What components should I have seen?
        • Impact of Technology: Individual Notes
          • 6 points per topic: 5 components + 1 for depth of thinking (see example)
          • "Google" is not a source
        • LucidChart Diagrams need to be shared as PDFs (this one is my fault!)
        • Tech Family Trees: check your connecting arrows

        Group Work: As a group, begin to formalize your project idea.

        • Intro to Computers
          • Introductory Activity
          • Notes: What is a computer? How does a computer work?

        Chrome tip #1262


        Chrome Tip #12: Working Offline

        Just an FYI - a Chromebook DOES work when not online. 
        You won't be able to do things on the Internet (browse sites, SEND email, etc.), but there is some basic functionality available. 
        Before "unplugging" from the internet you will need to turn on the "offline" mode on the Chromebook you want to use offline.
        You will find the "Offline" option in the settings of many Google Apps. 

        As an example, lets look at the Gmail Offline App:
        • WHILE ONLINE - open your Gmail account
        • Click the gear in the upper-right corner  
        • Choose Settings
        • Select the Offline tab (toward the right)
        • Click the Install Gmail Offline link
        • Follow the prompts to install the app
        Other Google apps have similar tools and options. For each, look for "Offline" in the Settings.

        For help with any Google App use the  icon in the upper right corner.

        For more information about using a Chromebook Offline:

        Thursday, September 29, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday, 9/29/16

        Quiz answers

        1st & 2nd Hour

        Tech Quiz
        Feedback on recent assignments
        • Google Classroom
          • Include first and last names
          • Must click the  "Hand In" button
        • "u" does not equal "you"
        • Use your own words!!!!!!!!!!!!        
        • Technology Group Notes. Did you score less than 10? Look at original directions. What components should I have seen?
        • Impact of Technology: Individual Notes
          • 6 points per topic: 5 components + 1 for depth of thinking (see example)
        • LucidChart Diagrams need to be shared as PDFs (this one is my fault!)
        • Tech Family Trees: a number of groups went beyond what was expected. Nice!

        4th & 5th Hour

        Tech Quiz
        What does learning look like?
        Revisit Project Knows
        Work on developing idea for group project.

        Wednesday, September 28, 2016

        Agenda: Wednesday, 9/28/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        • Due today: Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow. Turn in at Google Classroom. 
        • Group work
          • Using this document (1 per group), begin researching your topic. Use the directions in the document to guide your work.
        • Quiz tomorrow (Thursday).
          • What is technology?
          • What are some examples of technology?
          • What are the four characteristics of technology?

        5th and 6th Hour

        Monday, September 26, 2016

        Agenda: Tuesday, 9/27/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        • Survey for the PCHS Economics class
        • Due tomorrow: Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow that: 
          • Highlights the idea that technology changes society
          • Uses your research as evidence
          • Uses linked slides and other techniques to create a seamless experience for the user
        • Quiz on Thursday
          • What is technology?
          • What are some examples of technology?
          • What are the four characteristics of technology?

        5th and 6th Hour

        Agenda: Monday, 9/26/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        Impact of Technology

        • Finish and submit Individual Research (in Google Classroom)
          • Look up three technologies that changed society. Include the following:
            • Name of Technology:
            • Brief Description:Approximate Date:Ways it changed society:Sources:
          • Take notes on the document provided here:
        • Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow that: 
          • Highlights the idea that technology changes society
          • Uses your research as evidence
          • Uses linked slides and other techniques to create a seamless experience for the user

        Final Presentation

        5th and 6th Hour

        • Finish and submit Individual Research (in Google Classroom)
          • Look up three technologies that changed society. Include the following:
            • Name of Technology:
            • Brief Description:Approximate Date:Ways it changed society:Sources:
          • Take notes on the document provided here:
        • Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow that: 
          • Highlights the idea that technology changes society
          • Uses your research as evidence
          • Uses linked slides and other techniques to create a seamless experience for the user

        Friday, September 23, 2016

        Agenda: Friday, 9/23/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        Impact of Technology

        5th and 6th Hour

        • Finish and turn in Technology Family Tree to Google Classroom

          • One submission per group
          • Make sure the name of each person who contributed is on it

          Impact of Technology

          • Slideshow
          • Individual Research
            • Look up three technologies that changed society. Include the following:
              • Name of Technology:
              • Brief Description:Approximate Date:Ways it changed society:Sources:
            • Take notes on the document provided here:

        Thursday, September 22, 2016

        Agenda: Thursday, 9/21/16

        1st and 2nd Hour

        Earth Science Test
        Technology Family Tree is overdue. Submit it to Google Classroom

        Impact of Technology
          • Individual Research
            • Look up three technologies that changed society. Include the following:
              • Name of Technology:
              • Brief Description:Approximate Date:Ways it changed society:Sources:
            • Take notes on the document provided here:

        5th and 6th Hour

        • Finish and turn in Technology Family Tree to Google Classroom

            • One submission per group
            • Make sure the name of each person who contributed is on it

          Impact of Technology

            • Slideshow
            • Individual Research
              • Look up three technologies that changed society. Include the following:
                • Name of Technology:
                • Brief Description:Approximate Date:Ways it changed society:Sources:
              • Take notes on the document provided here: