1st and 2nd Hour
- Due today: Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow. Turn in at Google Classroom.
- Group work
- Using this document (1 per group), begin researching your topic. Use the directions in the document to guide your work.
- Quiz tomorrow (Thursday).
- What is technology?
- What are some examples of technology?
- What are the four characteristics of technology?
5th and 6th Hour
- Due today: Use Google Slides to create an interactive slideshow. Turn in at Google Classroom.
- Quiz tomorrow (Thursday).
- What is technology?
- What are some examples of technology?
- What are the four characteristics of technology?
- Group Work: As a group, begin to formalize your project idea.
- Your goal is to decide on an up-and-coming technology that you think will be very important and should be developed.
- Your idea should tie in somehow to space exploration, but it does not have to be something that would primarily be used in space. For example, new ways to grow food would be used here on Earth first, but could also help us to live in space.
- Make sure you take notes on what you decide as a group.
- You can use the following articles, your own thinking, and your own research to come up with ideas for your final project presentation. Note: you do not have to read the articles word-for-word! Skimming them is okay!
- http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-10-emerging-technologies-changing-world/
- http://www.computerworld.com/article/3088943/emerging-technology/top-10-emerging-technologies-from-the-world-economic-forum.html
- http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-internet-of-things-goes-nano/
- If you finish, you may use this document (1 per group), to begin researching your topic. Use the directions in the document to guide your work.