Thursday, September 15, 2016

Agenda: Thursday 9/15/16

Turn in your signed syllabus. Take your tech pretest (if you haven't)


If the Moon we the size of a pixel

What is Technology?

  1. Create one Google Doc for your group and share it. At the top, title it "Technology Notes" and then put in the name of each person in the group who contributes.
  2. As a group, answer this question: What is technology? Do NOT use any resource other than your own brain.
  3. Read through this website: comic about technology (note: one of the links is out of date) 
  4. When everyone is done reading, answer these questions in your Google Doc:
    1. Some qualities (or characteristics) of technology are...
    2. NOW we think technology is...
  5. Share out and discuss as a class
  6. The person who created the Google Doc needs to submit it to Google Classroom:
    1. 1st/2nd hour
    2. 5th/6th hour