Monday, October 31, 2016

Agenda: Monday, 10/31/16

Test scores are in MiStar. If you would like to retake it, you may do so this Thursday. In order to retake the test, you must draw by hand on paper a diagram of how a computer works. You must include:
  • The major components of a computer
  • What each component is
  • What each component does
  • How information moves through the computer, starting with input and ending with output.
Please check your grades. The quarter ends on Friday.

Introduction to SketchUp, a program for creating 3d models. A free version of Sketchup can be downloaded for Mac or Windows at For the Chromebooks there is a surprisingly powerful online version at

Today we are going to learn some of the tools in the program by playing around with them to see what they do.

Then I want you to design some sort of dwelling, real or imaginary. When you are done, you will save it with your full name (last name then first name), download it, and share it with me via the assignment in Google Classroom.