Friday, December 9, 2016

Agenda: Friday, 12/9/16

Test answer form

Work on Scratch Tutorial.
  1. Create a project in Scratch (
    1. Option 1: go to Scratch: Make it Fly tutorial and complete it
    2. Option 2: create a game of your own design
  2. Turn it in:
    1. take a screenshot and submit it to Google Classroom
    2. Create a (free) Scratch account and publish your animation there (if you don't share it, I won't be able to see it). Take the link and paste it in this form.
  3. If you finish with this early, then the challenge for you is to figure out how to make your main sprite react to colliding with other objects (or make other objects react to colliding with your sprite). Please submit your work as described above in #2.