The week of March 20 to March 24
Current Project: A Global Web
Learning Targets:
- Explain the qualities of an effective website.
- Use design process to create a website for a purpose
- 9-12.CI.2. create a web page
- 9-12.CI.3. use a variety of media and formats to design, develop, publish, and present projects (e.g., newsletters, web sites, presentations, photo galleries)
- 9-12.CC.3. collaborate in content-related projects that integrate a variety of media (e.g., print, audio, video, graphic, simu- lations, and models)
This week's agendas:
- Complete the Website refinement planning guide
- Turn in your Website Refinement Planning Guide to Google Classroom by Friday.
- Use your planning guide to make final adjustments to your website.
- When you are done, fill out a rubric for your site.
- Submit rubric to me in class on Friday.
- Turn in your Website refinement planning guide to Google Classroom today.
- Use your planning guide to make final adjustments to your website.
- When you are done, fill out a rubric for your site.
- Submit rubric to me in class today.