Monday, December 14, 2015

Agenda: Monday 12/14/15

  1. Finish Groundwater workshop
  2. Learn about research:
    1. Go to and do the following:
    2. Read through the tutorials on search skills.
    3. Complete this journal (2nd-3rd hour | 4th-5th hour):
      1. 3-2-1
        • Three things I learned
        • Two strategies I plan to use
        • One question I still have
      2. How do you know if a web site is valid?
  3. Create a poster
    1. Read the instructions for the Poster project assignment.
    2. Research
      1. Create a shared Google doc for your notes. 
      2. Label what each person contributes. 
      3. Include sources (copy-and-paste the web addresses).
    3. Create your poster.

Posters and Water cycle animations will be presented in class on Wednesday.