Agenda: Tuesday 10/13/15
- Let's talk about grades...
- 3 different categories
- Turning Things in:
- Credit will be given to files with names (including last)
- Please click “turn in”
- want feedback? Google docs!
- papers:
- (4 questions should = 4 paragraphs)
- include a heading!
- use paragraphs!
- Use.Your.Own.Words. Or it’s a zero.
- changing a few words does not count.
- using multiple sources will help.
- Citations would be nice, too (teach this).
- How to avoid copying? Make it personal.
- writing should have:
- main point
- focus
- paragraphs around single ideas
- details!
- citations
- Missing/redone work needs to b e in by Thursday
- Earth Science Test 1 Corrections Steps for test corrections