Monday, November 30, 2015

Agenda: Monday

  • Let's learn about Google:
  1. The following websites have tutorials about different Google Apps. You will use these sites to learn something:
  2. Everyone: start with a tutorial on Google Drive. Read/view the tutorial (use earbuds for videos!). Then try to do whatever the tutorial showed you how to do.
  3. Then: pick another topic.
    1. Read/view the tutorial
    2. Then try to do whatever the tutorial showed you how to do for yourself (example: if it showed you how to create a folder, then try creating a folder)
  4. When you are done, complete this journal (post in Classroom)

    1. Name one thing you learned. How do you know you learned it?
    2. How did learning using an online tutorial work for you? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Make up test